The Fall and Rise of Jerusalem

What happened in Jerusalem during the critical period following the destruction of the First Temple? | Professor Oded Lipshitz

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About the Course

The fall of Jerusalem and the destruction of the First Temple, the conquest of Judah by the armies of Babylon and the resulting Exile are remembered to this day as a momentous crisis – both national and religious – in the history of the Jewish People. Even today, more than 25 centuries after their occurrence, the impact of these events can be discerned in Judaism – as a faith, an identity and a world outlook. This course tells the riveting story of the century between the demise and rise of Judah, from the unique and comprehensive perspective of modern research.


About the Professor

Prof. Oded Lipschits is an international authority on the history and archaeology of the Land of Israel during the first millennium BCE. He is a Professor at the Department of Archaeology and Ancient Near Eastern Cultures at Tel Aviv University, Director of the University's Institute of Archaeology, leader of the archaeological expeditions in Ramat Rahel and Tel Azekah, and Head of the International Program for Ancient Israel Studies: Archaeology and History of the Land of the Bible. His works have been published in numerous books and professional journals.

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