Academic City

The Center for Innovation in Teaching and Learning runs the "Academic City" initiative: our vision is to bring every girl and boy, wherever they are, closer to higher education, and give them an equal opportunity to develop academic competence

academic city

At TAU OUT Unit we meet the power of higher education in changing the life trajectory of young people every day. Sociological studies reinforce the assumptions that graduates of research universities gain more employment opportunities, greater job security, and higher wages. Unfortunately, the same studies also show that the right to study at the university is unequal for everyone, and especially for young people in Israel's social and geographic periphery.

It is precisely for this reason that we have taken upon ourselves a social mission, stemming from both a need in the field and from our area of expertise – innovation in learning – to reduce the education gap.

Our social motivation includes:

  • The expansion and diversity of the student community that contributes to the university's excellence;
  • Creating a pedagogical continuum between high school and university that contributes to the quality of education in Israel;
  • Connecting to a global trend of finding alternatives to the Psychometric Entrance Test that has been shown to discriminate against disadvantaged populations;
  • Promoting innovation in teaching and learning in practice.

To this end, the "Academic City" initiative was established in cooperation with the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Social Equality (Digital Israel).


The project is developed and operated by the Center for Innovation in Learning, the Partnerships Unit.






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